

Blogs to Read: Bipolar D/O

The Bipolar Lens by Terri Cheney

Child Abuse Resources

In case you ever have the misfortune of having to report suspected or witnessed abuse, here is a protocol manual you might find useful. It states a definition for all of the behaviors which are considered abuse, and it gives guidelines for mandated reporters. Note: this is specific to Arkansas law. (Click the entry title to open the PDF file.)

Here is a link to a website that includes some FAQs on child abuse:


A personal fave.

A while back, my best friend hooked me up with this site. It is my favorite relaxation tool, and I recommend it to anyone needing an external source of calmness or tranquility. Try the Customizable Noise Maker.

Happy (belated) New Year!

Hi there. I am entitling this post "Happy New Year" because one of my resolutions this year is to better maintain my blogging. What better way than to start a new blog? I have been wanting an efficient way to organize my therapy resources, and this way I can share them with colleagues, coworkers, and complete strangers who can benefit and may even give me a tip or two in return. I look forward to making some new connections and learning some new tricks! Happy reading.